woman sitting on sofa with laptop
woman sitting on sofa with laptop

CenturyLink® availability in Illinois

Check your ZIP Code for CenturyLink internet rates starting at


Speed may not be available in your area. Paperless billing required. Taxes and fees apply.

  • Unlimited data

  • No annual contract

  • 24/7 tech support

Woman on laptop
Woman on laptop

Why CenturyLink in Illinois

High-speed internet service in your corner.

As a high-speed internet provider with plans up to 940 Mbps, CenturyLink connects families in Illinois to endless possibilities online—all while considering your budget, lifestyle, and support needs.

Limited availability. Service in select locations only.

  • No annual contract or cancellation fees

  • Unlimited data and no overage charges

  • Home WiFi availability with CenturyLink modem rental or 3rd-party device

  • 24/7 technical support via chat

CenturyLink Availability Map
CenturyLink Availability Map

CenturyLink bundles and 3rd-party TV

Boredom can’t win against the powers of CenturyLink internet, home phone, and 3rd-party TV combined.

Internet + 3rd-party TV

  • Reliable internet speeds

  • Hundreds of live TV channels from CenturyLink partners

  • Work and play using CenturyLink internet speeds

Internet + home phone

  • $10 savings built into rate

  • Reliable internet speeds

  • CenturyLink home phone with Unlimited Nationwide Calling

Internet + home phone + 3rd-party TV

  • Reliable internet speeds

  • CenturyLink home phone with Unlimited Nationwide Calling

  • Hundreds of live TV channels from CenturyLink partners